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About this project:

Two apartments were combined, The entry was to provide a distinct space with a sense of arrival, possibly opening to some or all of the other  “public” areas of the apartment.This was achieved by putting up Aangled walls in a zigzag-ish pattern , dividing the Living and Dining Rooms from the entry without building an actual room with closed walls and doors.


Those walls also created niches to display the client’s art pieces - it’s an open floor plan which allows for plenty of great views inside the apartment, between room transitions and of the artwork, with every turn of a corner.


The ‘angled wall theme’ continues on throughout the apartment; an unconventional approach to combining two ‘straight forward’ simple apartments, the perfect environment for a client with a taste for modern art.


111 John St. 22nd floor, New York, NY 10038

Tel 212-619-2440, Fax 212-619-2443

© Boschen Design, Architecture

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