Design Development ("DD")
This phase completes the visual design. Clients are heavily involved throughout this phase, which can involve a good bit of revising & reconsidering. Design Development, Building Department and Building Review are usually all happening simultaneously.
"DD" includes but is not limited to:
Prepare plans confirming our understanding of the Client/s SD decisions.
Prepare sketches, interior elevations, design details and other materials to describe the evolving design. This includes relevant Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical issues.
Develop an Electrical Plan showing lights, switches, outlets, TV, Telephone, home network jacks, etc.
Select specific materials, finishes, fixtures, and accessories.
Review “a.”-“e.” w/ client/s, consider options, and revise as required. There often are a few rounds of revisions.
Prepare an initial Construction Cost Estimate.
Revise the Cost Estimate after selection of materials.